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home / products / Limit Direct Refs/Multi-Level Cashouts
Limit Direct Refs/Multi-Level Cashouts
We've combined two popular addons - Multi Level payouts and Limit Refs

Multi-Level Payout allows Admins to set different levels of payouts for users.
Basically, admins can set payouts such as $1 minimum first request, $2 minimum second request, and $3 for 3rd and all requests after that. The amount of each level can be set in admin as the admin desires.

Limit Refs allows for admins to limit the amount of direct refs a user can have and can be set with different limits for free and premium members. It also includes coding to show on profile page how many refs the user has towards their limit.

Addon is sold installed only; no installation files will be provided. Price is per site, multi-site deals available on request.

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